Gaothlinn is an Irish based services company focussed on providing solutions for the decarbonisation of the electricity sector. Our employees each have nearly 20 years’ experience in the industry.
Trusted Energy Partners
Gaothlinn Energy has a flexible approach to how we work with partners in business. Over the years we have used a variety of structures, including;
A joint venture. In our experience, it is best if each partner brings different expertise or assets to the table, for example on party may have a good technology, and another may have a great site. There are lots of details to work out, but such ventures can be very successful if structured properly.
A consultancy arrangement. While we are not structured as a typical engineering or planning consultancy, there are times when a consultancy or services agreement is the best way of working with our partners
Investor relationship. In certain projects, Gaothlinn is happy to fund or part fund development work, in return for a share of the equity in a project. This can be of interest to some partners.
How We Help
2. Strong landowner and community partnerships. Signing land is easy. Signing land on a commercially sensible basis, with good clean title, strong support from the landowner and community is harder, but it is the basis of any successful project.
3. Planning permission. A contentious planning process will include multiple requests for further information from the planning authority, judicial review, and oral hearing, appeals to An Bord Pleanala and various screening and specialist studies to ensure compliance with EU and Irish legislation. A well prepared project can avoid some of these pitfalls.
4. CRU Authorisations to Construct and Licences to Generate. While generally less risky and faster than the planning process, these licences cannot commence until other key permits are in place, putting them in sharp focus when a project is aiming for an investment decision.
5. Grid connection. Getting a cheap timely connection to the grid is critical to a project’s success. Not all substations are created equal. Knowing how and where to get a connection that matches your project is critical. A long connection may require road opening licences or numerous landowner wayleaves. Higher voltage connections are more expensive but carry more power for less losses. Optimising these choices is key to adding value to your project.
6. Procurement and construction. Selecting the right contractors and running an efficient, credible competition to ensure you get the best price means preparing professional, sensibly structured employers requirements and contract forms.
7. Market changes. The DS3, capacity market and energy market are always changing in response to changes in EU rules, new technologies or just general improvements. Your project may be impacted positively or negatively by such changes. Or you may need changes to accommodate your project. Either way, you need to be up to date with the market, both in the development and operational phase.
Gaothlinn is actively working on a number of different projects at any one time, meaning we have up to date experience with the detailed rules and procedures required to successfully secure each of the components above and deliver a successful project. Gaothlinn can assist in all these areas, whether as an advisor, partner or investor.